tools and supports
How to Prepare for Your First Visit Home for the Holidays After Transitioning
A4TE Trans Survival Guide (for learning more about ways to protect oneself legally as a Trans person)
EFT (tapping, with video)
How Stress Impacts Black Women and 10 Tips to Take Control
Finch: self-care pet (daily journal and habit tracker)
Psych Med Safety (a quick guide to psychiatric medications made by a psychiatrist)
Article on “parentified” children
Remember “RAIN” for when you feel overwhelmed
How to practice mindfulness meditation
Bipolar Creatives Daily Planner
Feeling overwhelmed? Do an audit of your brain’s real estate
Forest (help for focus and phubbing)
Coping when your therapist is on vacation
My Therapy Cards (resource specifically for Black folks and other people of color)
T4T Caregiving (post-op caregiving by trans caregivers)
How to postpone your worries and accompanying tracker
Informative book recs for autistic children, teens, and adults
Bedroom advocacy worksheet from The Expansive Group
Have ADHD and considering quitting your job?
The important deeper ways to self-care
Distractions to avoid non-suicidal self-injury
Cognitive distortions and an automatic thought record
Panic Attack or Anxiety? How to Tell the Difference
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy worksheets
Challenge Anxiety with the Four Rs